I began my search min Mid-February, 2022 - not the best weather for working outside.
PLAN-B was devised: I would use a virtual antenna rather than the actual antenna feedpoint. I chose the shack-end of the coax running to my 80m OCFD antenna. Call it: ANT'.
I begin by measuring the "Antenna System" (ANT') in the shack, and recording the data.
I then investigated other methods of measuring the impedance/SWR of ANT' "remotely" from several meters away.
The goal was to find a method that produced the exact same results as when measuring (manually) with the analyzer at the end of the coax.
(Results shown below.)
I began my search for a better way. In doing so, I investigated 4 other methods:
Click on the links in methods 2, 3, and 4 to link to the page describing this method and its results.