HP Ferrite Guanella Balun

High Power Guanella Balun + Standard Ruthroff Balun

"High Power Ferrite Guanella" (Balun)

Basically, this is the same design as my Standard 1:1 Guanella Choke-Balun, except this one is wound on an FT-240-43 instead of an FT-140-43.

The Ruthroff used with this balun is my Standard Ruthroff Balun (SRB).

HPFG SWR Curves:

As we will see in the next Gallery,  the SWR curves are nearly identical to the curves made when using the Standard Guanella Balun in the Hybrid Balun.


I have shown the resonant frequency (j0) and the frequency of minimum SWR (SWRmin) for each of the classic HF bands.  I did not show this for the WARC bands because neither j0 nor SWRmin fall within the band on those bands.

As stated above, there is hardly any difference between the SWR curves when using an FT-240-43 Vs. using an FT-140-43 for the 1:1 Guanella Balun in the Hybrid-Balun!  In most cases the difference in frequency was less than 10 kHz.

OBVIOUSLY, the FT-240-43 can handle more power than the FT-140-43, but when designed properly (i.e., with sufficient Common Mode Impedance on the lowest band), the smaller core is sufficient for 600 Watts SSB/CW and 200 Watts Digi-Modes.

DOWNLOAD DATA FILES for just the HPFG version of the antenna.  The graphs above were generated in AntScope-2.

AntScope-2 is a freeware available for Windows, MacOS, & Linux on the RigExpert web site:

Win: https://rigexpert.com/files/software/Antscope/antscope2forwindows/

MacOS: https://rigexpert.com/files/software/Antscope/antscope2formacos/

Linux: https://rigexpert.com/files/software/Antscope/antscope2forlinux/

DOWNLOAD ALL DATA FILES (.asd format only)

The .csv files and .s1p files can be downloaded on their the individual pages for these two Hybrid Baluns. (The HPFB files are just above this download.

NOTE: Throughout this section of my web, whenever I state the value of the Common Mode Impedance of chokes or balun, it is based on the values shown in the color charts by Steve Hunt, G3TXQ (SK), published on his web, here: G3TXQ: RF-Chokes


I have reported my measured results here. I am not an expert on Toroid technology, and welcome ALL feedback, whether supporting or disproving my own results.

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