1) 4:1 Ruthroff Baluns
2) 1:1 Guanella (Choke) Baluns
3) Accessories
4) The Antenna Analyzer
5) The Antenna
6) The Foolish Operator
7) Photo Gallery
1) 4:1 Ruthroff (voltage) Baluns
'Standard' Ruthroff Balun "SRB":
This is the balun used in my original 4:1 Hybrid-Balun for the Aerial-51 Model 807-xx 80m OCFD antenna.
'Dual-Binocular' #43 Ferrite "2B43Jr":
'Dual-Binocular' #43 Ferrite "2B43":
'Dual-Binocular' #61 Ferrite 2B61:
'Triple Binocular' #61 Ferrite "3B61":
2) 1:1 Guanella (current) Baluns

'Standard' Guanella Balun "SGB":
This is the balun used in my original 4:1 Hybrid-Balun for the Aerial-51 Model 807-xx 80m OCFD antenna.
'High-Power' Ferrite Guanella Balun (#43), "HPFG":
This is the choke used in the high power version of my original Hybrid-Balun.
'High-Power' Vitroperm Guanella Balun, "HPVG":
This is the balun with a Toroid using a non-ferrite core.
'Dual 100 Ohm Transmission Line" Choke-Balun "DG0SA":
Lots of members of various online balun and antenna groups praise this balun as if it were the greatest thing since sliced bread. Its lab tests look good indeed, having broadband low SWR and Common Mode rejection tests (in the lab) look very good.
But . . . in my 2013 Common Mode Current Field test, I tested one of these and it flopped in the field.
The problem with this design is, each transmission line can only occupy half the space of the Toroid. This limits the number of turns that can fit in each half of the balun.
How well does it work as a choke in a Hybrid-Balun?
(Dummies were made by paralleling multiple resistors together.)
The Antenna Analyzer is a RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
The FreeWare Software App used to view the measurement files is "AntScope-2", and can be downloaded here:
The red thing in the long leg of the antenna raises the resonance on 80m.
The drawing is NOT to scale ->
This antenna is currently built and sold by Spiderbeam, World-Wide. With over 300 of these antennas in the field, we are well aware of its characteristics and performance. In this test we will test different baluns and compare the results to the existing knowledge of this antenna.
NOTE: We will leave that
"RED Thing" out for all of our field tests. As a result, the frequency of minimum SWR on 80m will always be about 50 kHz below the bottom of the band. We can later insert that red thing and raise 80m resonance to any place within the band we want it.
If you are interested in learning about that antenna, see: Aerial-51 Model 807-HD
NOTE: Throughout this section of my web, whenever I state the value of the Common Mode Impedance of chokes or balun, it is based on the values shown in the color charts by Steve Hunt, G3TXQ (SK), published on his web, here: G3TXQ: RF-Chokes